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Forward T - Demonstration Materials

This page presents demo projects which display the abilities of the "Forward T" product line software in TV broadcast design. Each of them presents a certain program genre (info channel, news, infotainment, music channel).

Each sample is not just recorded video clips but a set of all that is necessary for work: title projects, files, style collections, schedules.

All the samples can operate on a machine without any I/O board (FD322/FD422/FD842), which allows you to assess the capabilities of out products before you purchase them.

When viewing in the "no-board" mode, the samples are displayed in the special program SLTitlePreview window on the computer monitor. When viewing in the "board" mode, the samples are displayed on a TV screen or in the FDPreviewMonitor program window (with the "Input" option unchecked). It is possible to select a required mode ("no-board / board" when installing the sample.

The samples may prove useful to those who already use products of the "Forward T" product line. They contain some tips and tricks for working with title objects, ways of using various programs for broadcast design. Each sample is supplied with a detailed description which contains:

  • installation procedure;
  • starting and stopping procedure;
  • a list of programs used in the sample operation;
  • a list of programs used when creating the sample;
  • the most interesting moments in the sample operation.

All the samples are also written on the installation disk that comes with the "Forward T" delivery set.

Installation Procedure

Before the demo project installation, install ForwardT Software and all components required for its operation:

  1. Install Microsoft .Net Framework.
  2. Install Microsoft DirectX Update.
  3. Install the current version of ForwardT Software.
  4. Install the ForwardT Software updates (if they are available for the current version of Software).

 You can get all the foregoing installation components in the "Download" Section. When the Software installation is complete, you can download and install the demo project installer.

Downloading and Installing Demo Projects

Each demo project is combined as an installer, which installs all the necessary files for the operation. After downloading, unpack and launch the installer. When the installation is complete, start viewing using the desktop shortcut.

 Important: Each installer is supplied with a document containing instructions for installing and using the demo project. It is strongly recommended that you download and read the document before the installation.

To read documents in PDF format, install Adobe Acrobat Reader.
To open ZIP archives, install WinZip.
To download individual documents, go to the "Documentation" Section.

It is strongly recommended that you download the required files to the local disk to further use them without downloading again.
Right-click on the link, select "Save Target As", download the file and only then launch it.

Sample Name and Description Download


Info Channel Design Sample

Info Channel Design Sample - click here to enlarge

Several information blocks are displayed on screen simultaneously. The blocks contain heterogeneous information:

  • weather forecast, exchange rates, time;
  • TV Schedule and crawl ads;
  • SMS messages
  • video clips.

The design layout is created using title projects. The projects contain title elements of different types (Picture, Clock, RollCrawl (scrollable crawl line), AnimLogo, SMS), which allows you to display all the necessary information on air.

When demonstrating the sample, the following programs are launched and running: SLTitlePreview, Simple SMS Test, FDImageUpdater, FDOnAir.

The sample was created using the following programs included in ForwardT Software: Forward Titling, SPTEditor, FDImageUpdater, TV Clock, FDTitle Designer, FDOnAir.


Sample Download (zip)
(FTP, 130 MB)

Document Open (pdf)


Infotainment Channel Design Sample

Infotainment Channel Design Sample - click here to enlarge

The sample shows one of the ways to overlay titles on a full-screen video.
Titles are used to display information about weather, exchange rates, time. Title elements of different types (Picture, Clock, RollCrawl (scrollable crawl line)) are used for this purpose.

The sample shows a way to control rotation of titles in the FDOnAir program. The feature of automatically turning on title objects in sequence is used for this purpose.

When demonstrating the sample, the following programs are launched and running: FDImageUpdater, SLTitlePreview, FDOnAir.

The sample was created using the following programs included in ForwardT Software: Forward Titling, FDImageUpdater, TV Clock, FDTitle Designer, FDOnAir.


Sample Download (zip)
(FTP, 72 MB)

Document Open (pdf)

Economic Review

Economic Review Design Sample

Economic Review Design Sample - click here to enlarge

The sample shows one of the ways to overlay titles on a full-screen video. The channel content is economic news and reviews.

Titles are used to display information about exchange rates and stock quotes, market indices, current time in different cities, news. Title elements of different types (Picture, Clock, RollCrawl (scrollable crawl line), Caption) are used for this purpose.

When demonstrating the sample, the following programs are launched and running: SLTitlePreview, FDOnAir.

The sample was created using the following programs included in ForwardT Software: Forward Titling, TV Clock, FDMovieListEditor, FDTitle Designer, FDOnAir.


Sample Download (zip)
(FTP, 56 MB)

Document Open (pdf)

Midnight Chat

Nighttime Entertainment Channel Design Sample

Nighttime Entertainment Channel Design Sample - click here to enlarge

The sample shows a way to design a nighttime entertainment channel "Midnight Chat".

A larger part of the screen is used to display on air SMS messages from the TV viewers.

Advertising information, weather forecasts, etc. are displayed on screen as well. This sample demonstrates an interesting way of broadcast design: the information blocks have figured borders (not rectangular, as would be usual). Such an effect is achieved due to using figured frames.

Title elements of different types are used in the sample: Picture, AnimLogo, MovieList (block of commercials), RollCrawl (scrollable crawl line), SMSRoll. To view the title project from this sample in detail, install the sample on your computer and open the file MidnightChat.SLTitleProj in the FDTitle Designer program.

When demonstrating the sample, the following programs are launched and running: SLTitlePreview, FDImageUpdater, Simple SMS Test, FDOnAir.

The sample was created using the following programs included in ForwardT Software: Forward Titling, FDMovieListEditor, FDTitle Designer, FDOnAir.


Sample Open (zip)
(FTP, 47 MB)

If you have any questions, please contact Support.