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SLNewsTitler - displaying news feeds in titles

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Important: SLNewsTitler is an additional option that is separately purchased.

We grant a temporary registration for 1 - 3 months testing any/all of the plugins. Please, inform Support of your FD322/FD422/FD842 board serial number or serial number of HASP key and the temporary registration will be sent to you.

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Software is used to output operatively different kind of information in the form of titles in TV programmes (news, conferences, debates, etc.). The software allows creating and configuring in advance a template of programme design (including appearance and location of fields with comments on the screen) for its further use placing necessary text information (for example, information on speaker: his name and surname, post, etc.).

- no playlist to play video files and a passthrough ("live") signal

The SLNewsTitler program is used to output operatively different kind of information in the form of titles in TV programmes (news, conferences, debates, talk shows, sports, etc.).

Created in advance templates of programme design are used. Each template has elements of design. It does not have some concrete text information.

Basing on the templates you can create pages to design air with a concrete text and graphic information, for example, information on speaker: his name and surname, post, etc.).

Also, output of information is possible on-the-fly. For this you should select necessary template and insert desirable text in it. When programme is being broadcasting inserted manually information is saved and can be used as many times as it is necessary.
Source of information for inserting of text data is a text file in CSV format (text file where separate fields are separated by comma or a semi column).

Elements of air design according to time can be of 2 kinds: "constantly visible" (for example, channel logotype, roll crawl with news) and "temporary appeared" (for example, information on speaker).

The SLNewsTitler program allows creating playlists to play video files (for example, created in advance news or ads clips) and data received from video inputs as "live" signal sources (for example, TV signal from news room).

There are 2 variants of SLNewsTitler software use:

As a title solution for overlapping information on a passthrough video signal. Broadcasting of video files and data from video inputs on air is impossible here;
As a full broadcasting solution that allows overlapping titles, play video files, display data from different video inputs.

 For more detailed information contact Support. Information on prices can be found in the "Where to buy" section. You can download a current version of plugins software in the "Download" section. Detailed information on plugins is available in the "Documentation" section.